How to create your floral Christmas table centre - see the step by step photos below!.
1. Thank you for buying a kit! Take everything out of the pot apart from the lining.
2. Submerge the green Oasis in water (let it sink rather than push it).
3. (This is a bit messy as the Oasis will drip, do this on a towel or newspaper) Put the Oasis back into the pot. Put the candle in the middle of the Oasis. Trim the oasis and liner if necessary – don’t worry if this looks a bit uneven because you will cover everything up. If the candle is not secure please use the candle holder and push in firmly. Tape the oasis into the pot using pot tape.
4. Push the foliage cuttings (any greenery you can find – xmas tree bits, holly etc) into the Oasis first. Follow the shape of the pot when looking down from above – creating a round ring of greenery. From the outside of the pot fill inwards and upwards to the candle, gradually getting shorter pieces of foliage towards the candle.
5. Then fill in any gaps pushing more flowers, decorations or berries of your choice into the Oasis. Make sure you can’t see any Oasis.
6. Enjoy your beautiful creation! Afterwards use your pot again with more oasis or chicken wire.
(Disclaimer: Please be careful if lighting your candle. Blow the candle out before it gets too close to your foliage and check that you haven’t got any flammable decorations etc near the flame!)